What you will need:
- 4 Picture Frames (either 8x10 or 11x14). I bought mine on sale at Michaels. I used 11x14 picture frames.
- 1/2" L-Brackets. Bought at Wal-Mart.
- Ivory (or the color of your choice) craft paint. Bought at Wal-Mart.
- One piece of foam board. Again, from Wal-Mart.
- Velcro. From Wal-Mart
- Small Lazy Susan for box to rotate. I love Wal-Mart.
- Fabric to cover top of box with. I bought mine at JoAnn Fabrics during a 50% off sale.
To Assemble:
Start by putting the frames together with the L-Brackets. Luckily, my FI is pretty handy with a drill, So
I did not have to do that part. :) However, it's pretty easy. Just drill the holes into the frame (be careful not to drill
all the way through) & screw in the L-Brackets to all 4 frames.

Once your box is together, paint it the color of your choice. I bought white picture frames, so I only had
to paint on one coat of ivory.
While your frames are drying, you can cut the foam board. Fit it to the top of your box & cut out two squares
- one for the top & one for the bottom. Be sure to cut a slit in one of the pieces of foam board so people can put cards
in the box.
Now you can upholster your foam pieces. I bought ivory crepe fabric to put on both the top & bottom and then
some pretty embroidered sheer fabric (don't know exactly what it's called) to put over the ivory crepe top - just to make
it look a bit more fancy. I upholster both sides with a stapler. Yes, a stapler. :)

Now that your box is assembled & painted & your foam pieces upholstered, you can add the velcro to the top
of the box. The velcro just holds the top on so it doesn't fall off or so people can't just rip it off. My FI just screwed
the bottom piece of upholstered foam to the bottom of the box.
Your box is finished. Place it on the Lazy Susan & enjoy!!